How old is Tyler Posey?
Tyler Posey was born on 18 October 1991.
Tyler Posey is 33 years old.
How old is Tyler Posey in days now?
Tyler Posey is 33 years 5 months 11 days old.
Total 12,216 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Tyler Posey?
Tyler Posey's next birthday is in 6 months 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Tyler Posey?
Zodiac sign of Tyler Posey is Libra.
Tyler Posey is a young American actor who is familiar to the general public as Scott from Teen Wolf. He was born as Tyler Garcia Posey in California and his father is an actor who also had a role in Teen Wolf. Tyler grew up near his two brothers and he was always sure what career is waiting for him in the future. He started appearing in some movies as a child actor and got numerous chances to work with such actors as Arnold Schwarzenegger in Collateral Damage, Jennifer Lopez in Maid in Manhattan, etc. In the early 2010s, Tyler appeared in the movies like Legendary, White Frog, as well as had a small role in Scary Movie 5. From 2011 to 2017 he was a star of Teen Wolf, together with Dylan O'Brien and Crystal Reeds. For one of the last episodes of the TV Series, Tyler Posey even worked as a director. He is a huge fan of music, he plays guitar and used to play on a band. Tyler was engaged to his childhood friend Seana Gorlick, but the engagement was broken off shortly after.