How old is Txunamy?
Txunamy was born on 23 March 2009.
Txunamy is 16 years old.
How old is Txunamy in days now?
Txunamy is 16 years 5 days old.
Total 5,849 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Txunamy?
Txunamy's next birthday is in 11 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Txunamy?
Zodiac sign of Txunamy is Aries.
Txunamy is a teenage social media marvel and an Instagram star. Born in 2009 in California, Txunamy became famous when she was 5 years old as her mom Esthalla Ortiz created an Instagram page for her. Her father is also an experienced social media personality Sdiezzel, who is also the patriarch of their joint family channel titled The Familia Diamond. The cute photogenic girl managed to attract attention and became an Instagram star really fast. Her Instagram account and YouTube channels are getting more and more popular since the videos uploaded there are really very sweet and interesting. Txunamy is a friend of Annie LeBlanc and Hayley LeBlanc. Txunamy's videos very often feature her younger siblings Diezel Ortiz, Ranger Ortiz, Solage Ortiz, and Ocean Ortiz. She has taken part in many online and television projects, as well as has recently started being involved in some modeling events. She loves fashion and is an active lifestyle promoter. As of the early 2025, there are over 5 million fans on her YouTube channel, and the number of her fans on Instagram is exceeding 5.5 million people.
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