How old is Tupac Shakur?

Tupac Shakur was born on 16 June 1971. Tupac Shakur died on 13 September 1996 at the age of 25 years.

What was the exact age of Tupac Shakur?

Tupac Shakur's exact age was 25 years 2 months 28 days old. Tupac Shakur lived for total 9,221 days.

What would be the age of Tupac Shakur if alive?

Tupac Shakur's exact age would be 53 years 9 months 15 days old if alive. Total 19,647 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Tupac Shakur?

Zodiac sign of Tupac Shakur is Gemini.

Tupac Shakur was a charismatic and talented American rapper. He was born as Lesane Parish Crooks in 1971 in New York City and his family used to relocate often when he was a child. Since his high school times, he was a friend of Jada Pinkett who has later become the wife of Will Smith. For some time he attended Arts School in Maryland and in 1988 his family moved again to a neighborhood of San Francisco, where Shakur finished high school and started his hip hop singing career. He took the name Tupac Shakur, joined the local hip hop community and became one of Gangsta Rap singers. His first studio album went out in 1991 followed by the second one which did better and helped Shakur attract public attention to his music. In 1993 he became a member of the group Thug Life which released an album and had a few hits. The third studio album of Shakur had singles "Dear Mama" and "So Many Tears". The last studio alum of the singer All Eyez On Me is considered to be one of the best rap albums of that decade. There were hits like "California Love", "How Do U Want It", and others. Shakur also tried himself in acting and appeared in the movies like Poetic Justice, Gridlock'd, Bullet, Gang Related, etc. In 1996, Tupac Shakur was shot in Las Vegas and died 5 days later. After his death, 5 more albums of the rapper were released. They were extremely well received and made Shakur one of the best selling rappers, with the total number of the records sold close to 75 million ones.

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