How old is Trinidad Cardona?
Trinidad Cardona was born on 23 May 1999.
Trinidad Cardona is 25 years old.
How old is Trinidad Cardona in days now?
Trinidad Cardona is 25 years 10 months 8 days old.
Total 9,444 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Trinidad Cardona?
Trinidad Cardona's next birthday is in 1 month 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Trinidad Cardona?
Zodiac sign of Trinidad Cardona is Gemini.
A cool R&B singer, Trinidad Cardona has been recently becoming more and more popular for his great hits like "Jennifer", "Dinero" or "You Are Mine", etc. He was born in 1999 in Arizona and grew up in Phoenix which is a great place for a young singer to develop some great skills. When he was a teenager, he used to listen large amounts of various kinds of music, from hip hop to classic rock. He started learning to play musical instruments and trying himself as a songwriter. His most famous hit so far "Jennifer" was written by him when Trinidad was 17 years old, and it was released in 2017, together with "Dinero", one more great song of his. In the early 2020s Trinidad Cardona took part in a few collaborations with other singers like Alex Aiono, namely the song "Does It Feel Like Falling".