How old is Triggered Insaan?

Triggered Insaan was born on 14 November 1995.
Triggered Insaan is 29 years old.

How old is Triggered Insaan in days now?

Triggered Insaan is 29 years 4 months 15 days old.
Total 10,728 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Triggered Insaan?

Triggered Insaan's next birthday is in 7 months 16 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Triggered Insaan?

Zodiac sign of Triggered Insaan is Scorpio.

A charismatic YouTube content maker of Indian origins, Nischay Malna is known on the platform as Triggered Insaan. He was born in 1995 in India and has spent his life in New Delhi where he finished school and studied information technology at the Indraprastha University of IT. Both his brother and sister, as well as their mum, are also famous on YouTube. Nischay launched his channel in the late 2010s and has had a very wide focus of his content topics, from computers and technology and to comedy related content and POV. If we want to estimate generally, probably his channel should be considered a gaming one as some big part of the videos by Nischay is dedicated to gaming. But still it can be a great place to find many interesting videos and the finest examples of verbal comedy. Currently, as of the early 2025, there are 23 million followers of Triggered Insaan channel, which is truly impressive. 

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