How old is Tom Kenny?

Tom Kenny was born on 13 July 1962.
Tom Kenny is 62 years old.

How old is Tom Kenny in days now?

Tom Kenny is 62 years 8 months 13 days old.
Total 22,902 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Tom Kenny?

Tom Kenny's next birthday is in 3 months 17 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Tom Kenny?

Zodiac sign of Tom Kenny is Cancer.

Known as a voice actor behind some characters of SpongeBob SquarePants, Tom Kenny is a successful American comedian and voice actor. He was born in 1962 in Syracuse and grew up as a typical child of the late 60s, with his main interests focused on music and collecting vinyls. He started getting interested in comedy and stand up performances in his late teen ages, and after finishing college he spent 8 years to perform as a stage comedian traveling around the states. In the early 1980s he joined a band as a lead singer but couldn't find himself in music. Instead, later in the decade, he began his professional career as a TV actor, with his first movies including Shakes the Clown, Comic Book: The Movie, and a TV show Friday Night Videos. In the late 1990s he joined the cast for SpongeBob SquarePants voice actors and worked hard on giving the voice for the main character of the cartoon as well as some minor ones like Gary the Snail, etc. Other notable works of his include the characters from such animated projects as Uncle Grandpa. The Powerpuff Girls. Adventure Time, Rocko's Modern Life, Talking Tom and Friends, and others. Tom Kenny is married to his fellow actress Jill Talley and they have 2 children.

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