How old is TinaKitten?

TinaKitten was born on 30 June 1998.
TinaKitten is 26 years old.

How old is TinaKitten in days now?

TinaKitten is 26 years 8 months 21 days old.
Total 9,763 days old now.

When is the next birthday of TinaKitten?

TinaKitten's next birthday is in 3 months 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of TinaKitten?

Zodiac sign of TinaKitten is Cancer.

TinaKitten is a lovely gamer and Twitch star from South Korea. She was born in 1998 and spent her childhood alongside her parents and sister. Playing computer games has been her passion since her early childhood and Tina has become really good at that!! She started her presence in social media networking sites in the late 2010s when she opened her first Twitch channel followed by her Instagram and YouTube accounts. Her video content is mainly focused on gaming and Tina is famous for a few phrases that she loves to repeat when she is playing, including "Please!!" and "O God!!". She took part in creating a few podcasts for some online TV channels like PeterBarkTV. She is also famous as a skilled artist and a very creative young lady. As of the mid 2024, TinaKitten has about 1.6 million followers on her Twitch channel, about a third of million followers on her Instagram account and about a quarter million fans on her YouTube channel. 

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