How old is Tim McGraw?

Tim McGraw was born on 1 May 1967.
Tim McGraw is 57 years old.

How old is Tim McGraw in days now?

Tim McGraw is 57 years 10 months 29 days old.
Total 21,153 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Tim McGraw?

Tim McGraw's next birthday is in 1 month 1 day.

What is the zodiac sign of Tim McGraw?

Zodiac sign of Tim McGraw is Taurus.

Tim McGraw is a country singer and songwriter who is considered to be one of the most successful American country singers of all times. He was born in 1967 in Louisiana, to the family of a professional baseball player Tug McGraw. Thus as a childhood, Tim was rather interested in sports than in music. However while studying in college, he learned to play guitar and started trying himself as a country singer. He started the early 1990s in Nashville attempting to pursue a career in music. His eponymous debut album came out in 1993 and became a great success for the young musician. In 1996 he got married to his fellow country singer Faith Hill with whom he has three children. During the late 1990s and the 2000s he continued recording his albums and also made a debut in cinema which was followed by his great performance alongside Sandra Bullock in a movie named The Blind Side. So far, Tim McGraw has recorded 16 great studio albums, 10 of which raised to the top lines of the country music charts. He also made a number of really great and successful tours and visited with a concert virtually every corner of the country.

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