How old is Thomas Petrou?

Thomas Petrou was born on 2 September 1998.
Thomas Petrou is 26 years old.

How old is Thomas Petrou in days now?

Thomas Petrou is 26 years 6 months 8 days old.
Total 9,686 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Thomas Petrou?

Thomas Petrou's next birthday is in 5 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Thomas Petrou?

Zodiac sign of Thomas Petrou is Virgo.

Thomas Petrou is a famous and really talented YouTube star known as a friend of some members of Team 10 like Jake Paul, Erika Costell, Tessa Brooks, and others. He was born in 1998, to the family of Greek origins, and grew up alongside his parents and sister. Tom started his presence in social media accounts in the early 2010s by opening his Vine channel which was actually a joint one with his cousins. The young teenagers couldn't get on well and quite soon Tom decided to open his personal YouTube channel which he has been promoting for almost 10 years. His YouTube channel became the place where Tom was trying to find his special way and special path as a social media star, but his TikTok channel can be considered his primary account where it is possible to find a great deal of cool video content. As of the mid 2024 the number of the followers of his YouTube channel is approaching 1.7 million people, but his TikTok channel is currently followed by almost 8 million fans. Thomas Petrou is considered to be among the founding members of a cult team of social media stars called The Hype House.

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