How old is theylove_jayah?
theylove_jayah was born on 3 September 2010.
theylove_jayah is 14 years old.
How old is theylove_jayah in days now?
theylove_jayah is 14 years 6 months 26 days old.
Total 5,321 days old now.
When is the next birthday of theylove_jayah?
theylove_jayah's next birthday is in 5 months 5 days.
What is the zodiac sign of theylove_jayah?
Zodiac sign of theylove_jayah is Virgo.
A lovely and talented Instagram star, theylove_jayah is a cool dancer and teenage girl who is working hard on attracting more and more subscribers to her account by sharing plenty of interesting photos and videos. She was born in 2010 in the US and is growing up alongside her elder sister who often takes part in many activities of Jayah's. Both girls love music and choreography, and spend a lot of time practicing and coming up with various interesting moves and routines. Jayah is also good at choosing the right songs for her dancing. Besides, she often collaborates with a good friend of hers known as thereaal.moraa who makes a duo with her is popular on YouTube. They share their videos on YouTube channel titled J&KShow. As of September 2024, there are about 800 thousand followers on theylove_jayah, and the number has been growing quite fast recently.
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