How old is Therealnia?

Therealnia was born on 21 June 2001.
Therealnia is 23 years old.

How old is Therealnia in days now?

Therealnia is 23 years 9 days old.
Total 8,410 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Therealnia?

Therealnia's next birthday is in 11 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Therealnia?

Zodiac sign of Therealnia is Cancer.

One of the most famous hair care content creator, Therealnia is one of the hair designers on TikTok who come up with the most interesting ideas as to hair style and natural hair care remedies. She was born in 2001 in Florida and was raised by her parents in Miami. In her childhood times she loved dancing and music, as well as body care, nail design, and such, which she took some course on a bit later. Nia opened her TikTok channel in the late 2020 and less than a year later one of her videos focused on boyfriend challenge became viral. She focuses her content not only on hair and body care but also includes some entertaining type of videos like lip syncing, some interesting choreography, sketches and snapchots with her friends, and also some videos reflecting her trips or daily routine. There are about 2 million people following her channel, as of June 2024. Therealnia is currently dating an Instagram star known as Chris Gone Crazy

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