How old is therealcacagirl?

therealcacagirl was born on 15 January 2007.
therealcacagirl is 18 years old.

How old is therealcacagirl in days now?

therealcacagirl is 18 years 2 months 11 days old.
Total 6,645 days old now.

When is the next birthday of therealcacagirl?

therealcacagirl's next birthday is in 9 months 20 days.

What is the zodiac sign of therealcacagirl?

Zodiac sign of therealcacagirl is Capricorn.

A creative and lovely TikTok star, therealcacagirl has been running her channel since the early 2022 and has managed to achieve great success as a video content creator. Her name is Melanie and she was born in 2007 in the US. She launched her personal channel on TikTok which is a place to watch some fashion related videos, as well as some videos of her daily routine. The channel immediately started attracting follower, and a bit later Melanie decided to open a joint channel with her boyfriend Justin. So far, as of the early 2025, there are not so many videos there yet, but the couple is cute and their videos are interesting to the general public. Currently, the number of their followers is approaching a half of a million people, and the number of fan on therealcacagirl channel is close to 1.1 million people.

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