How old is Taryn Lamb?

Taryn Lamb was born on 13 October 1998.
Taryn Lamb is 26 years old.

How old is Taryn Lamb in days now?

Taryn Lamb is 26 years 5 months 15 days old.
Total 9,663 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Taryn Lamb?

Taryn Lamb's next birthday is in 6 months 15 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Taryn Lamb?

Zodiac sign of Taryn Lamb is Libra.

Taryn Lamb has managed to achieve some great success as a TikTok star for her innovative and unique ideas as to personal image, make up, hairstyle, and great look. She came to this world in 1998 and grew up in Austin, Texas, where she finished school and received a degree in arts at the University of Oregon. She continued to study in London, and her next subject was journalism. Taryn went online as a TikTok content creator in the early 2020s at the times when she used to work in a TikTok office in Austin. In 2023 she quit that job and started to work in one of the famous marketing agencies in San Diego, California. Her TikTok content has always been very personalized and directed to female viewers. In addition to beauty tips and recommendations, Taryn Lamb often shares videos of her travels, her daily activities and hobbies, as well as some content made with her boyfriend Rafa. As of November 2024, there are almost a third of a million people are following her channel.

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