How old is TanqR?
TanqR was born on 31 December 1997.
TanqR is 27 years old.
How old is TanqR in days now?
TanqR is 27 years 2 months 6 days old.
Total 9,930 days old now.
When is the next birthday of TanqR?
TanqR's next birthday is in 9 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of TanqR?
Zodiac sign of TanqR is Capricorn.
TanqR is an avid fan of Roblox games and a successful YouTuber whose content has been available for the viewers and Roblox fans for almost 10 years. Born Liam Andrew Presland in 1997 in the UK, he has been into Roblox since her was a young child. Thus he has had some good amount of time to develop some extraordinary playing skills and build up some good experience to share with his fans and viewers. His channel emerged on the platform in 2015 and most of the videos show some playing sessions, both individual and competitive ones. TanqR is very good at creating memes and some interesting footage, as well as commenting on various topics and issues one may have while learning to play. He has tried himself in numerous collaborations and joint channels, but still his personal one is the most followed, with many of his videos becoming viral. As of Feb 2025, the fanbase of his is over 4.5 million subscribers. TanqR sometimes talks about his family and about his girlfriend Emma Hooper in his videos.
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