How old is Tallulah Metcalfe?

Tallulah Metcalfe was born on 30 August 2007.
Tallulah Metcalfe is 17 years old.

How old is Tallulah Metcalfe in days now?

Tallulah Metcalfe is 17 years 6 months 27 days old.
Total 6,421 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Tallulah Metcalfe?

Tallulah Metcalfe's next birthday is in 5 months 1 day.

What is the zodiac sign of Tallulah Metcalfe?

Zodiac sign of Tallulah Metcalfe is Virgo.

Tallulah Metcalfe is a social media influencer and a bright social networking sites star whose content is focused on the most modern topics like get-ready-with-me, lip syncing, or healthy lifestyle. She was born in 2007 in the UK and is the only child of her parents. Her hobbies as a young teenager included music, singing, spending time outdoors with her friends, and such. Talulah started her vivid online activities on TikTok and Instagram in the early 2023, and her videos on her talltlahmatcalfe3 channel got popular among the users immediately. As of September 2024, there are about 5 million people following the channel, and the most liked videos of hers include the ones with music of Taylor Swift or Katy Perry, as well as some vlog kind of videos. Tallulah Metcalfe has her personal website and a line of merchandise which includes some finest examples of modern clothes and other goods.

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