How old is Taeil?
Taeil was born on 24 September 1990.
Taeil is 34 years old.
How old is Taeil in days now?
Taeil is 34 years 6 months 3 days old.
Total 12,603 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Taeil?
Taeil's next birthday is in 5 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Taeil?
Zodiac sign of Taeil is Libra.
Taeil is a South Korean pop singer who is the lead singer of a Korean all boy group Block B. He was born Lee Tae-il in 1990 in Seoul and grew up alongside his elder sister and younger brother. As a teenager, Taeil started to attend the famous training courses for future singers and stage performers including the ones by Kim Myung Vocal Academy, and then in the early 2010s he became of of the members of Block B, a group with quite a long history, after joining special auditions at MBC channel. In the mid 2010s he studied at Digital Seoul Culture Arts Unievrsity, and soon started his solo career by releasing a single named "Shaking". In the early 2020s he would join a number of local TV projects like singing and talent contests, and during 2022 he released a number of really successful collaborations with such singers as Choa, Minzy, Sejeong, and others. Taeil has also collaborated with another duo called T2U.