How old is Sukihana?

Sukihana was born on 15 November 1991.
Sukihana is 33 years old.

How old is Sukihana in days now?

Sukihana is 33 years 4 months 16 days old.
Total 12,190 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sukihana?

Sukihana's next birthday is in 7 months 15 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sukihana?

Zodiac sign of Sukihana is Scorpio.

Sukihana is a lovely and extremely cheerful Instagram and YouTube star who rose to fame in the late 2010s by her epic videos titled Kodak Snack which was a cool version of a song of Kodak Black. She was born Destiny Henderson in 1991 in Delaware and spent her early years in the city of Wilmington, alongside her family. She had a colorful childhood filled with various kinds of troubles which resulted in her being quite a diverse and special lady. After moving to Atlanta and then to Florida, she started her presence on social media platforms by opening her YouTube and Instagram accounts, and some of her videos turned out to be really interesting to her viewers. In the early 2020s she released her first mixtape as a hip hop singer. As of November 2024, there are over 2.7 million people following her Instagram account. Sukihana is the mother o three children who currently live with her mother in Atlanta.

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