How old is Stromedy?
Stromedy was born on 29 October 1998.
Stromedy is 26 years old.
How old is Stromedy in days now?
Stromedy is 26 years 4 months 27 days old.
Total 9,647 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Stromedy?
Stromedy's next birthday is in 7 months 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Stromedy?
Zodiac sign of Stromedy is Scorpio.
Kyle Godfrey is a cool comedy content creator who has been sharing plenty of entertaining and comedy related stuff on his personal YouTube channel named Stromedy. He came to this world in 1998 in Mississauga and was raised by his parents alongside his two brothers. As a young child Kyle was extremely interested in acting and cinema art, so he used to dream about a career in acting and took a number of drama courses, and later on he even studied at Toronto Academy of Acting for two years. But at the same time he was promoting his YouTube channel which was initially taken by him as a vlog and a place to tell a story of his life, but closer to the late 2010s he figured out that he had a great deal of interesting ideas for making a great quality comedy content. His videos include various funny challenges, pranks, skits, comedy activities, and such. There is a great deal of people following Stromedy channel (about 11 million followers as for December 2024), and all of them are very active and responsive fans of Kyle. Currently, he is dating Jana Soss, his fellow YouTuber from Canada.
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