How old is Stormi Webster?

Stormi Webster was born on 1 February 2018.
Stormi Webster is 7 years old.

How old is Stormi Webster in days now?

Stormi Webster is 7 years 1 month 30 days old.
Total 2,615 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Stormi Webster?

Stormi Webster's next birthday is in 10 months 1 day.

What is the zodiac sign of Stormi Webster?

Zodiac sign of Stormi Webster is Aquarius.

Stormi Webster is a young social media star and the daughter of the celebrity parents Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner. Born in 2018, Stormi managed to attract a huge wave of public attention because her famous mum was hiding her pregnancy. After giving birth to Stormy, Kylie posted the first photo of the newborn daughter on Instagram and obtained over 13 million views. Stormi Webster is growing up in a star family, with Kanye West being her uncle, Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, and Kourtney Kardashian being her half-aunts. In 2022 she has got a little brother named Aire Wolf Webster.

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