How old is Stevie Nicks?
Stevie Nicks was born on 26 May 1948.
Stevie Nicks is 76 years old.
How old is Stevie Nicks in days now?
Stevie Nicks is 76 years 10 months 4 days old.
Total 28,067 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Stevie Nicks?
Stevie Nicks's next birthday is in 1 month 26 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Stevie Nicks?
Zodiac sign of Stevie Nicks is Gemini.
Stevie Nicks is an outstanding singer and musician whose career path started from her collaboration with Fleetwood Mac and peaked at winning plenty of awards and other accolades. She was born in 1947 in Arizona and was brought up by her parents of Irish, British, and German origins. She spent her childhood in many cities of the south of the country and was exposed to various cultural elements and music in particular. While studying at San Jose University in California, she met her future husband Lindsay Buckingham and together with him in the mid 1970s she joined a former-British and then-American band Fleetwood Mac contributing in the tremendous success of the band. She did lead and backing vocals in the band, and in the early 1980s she started her solo career by releasing her solo album titled Bella Donna which was a great success that led to naming Stevie The Reigning Queen of Rock and Roll. The 1990s became a quiet period in her career followed by a few albums released in 2000s and 2010s. Stevie Nicks had 8 Grammy award nominations which is a record among all female rock and roll singers. As of the early 2020 she keeps occasionally releasing song covers which keep being popular and listened to.