How old is Ssundee?
Ssundee was born on 2 December 1988.
Ssundee is 36 years old.
How old is Ssundee in days now?
Ssundee is 36 years 3 months 24 days old.
Total 13,263 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ssundee?
Ssundee's next birthday is in 8 months 6 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ssundee?
Zodiac sign of Ssundee is Sagittarius.
Ssundee is a YouTube star and a gamer who has managed to win the heart of millions of computer gaming fans. Born Ian Markus Stapleton in 1988 in Michigan, he grew up traveling between Louisiana and Virginia where some members of his family lived. Since his childhood, he has been in love with computers and such games as Minecraft or Fortnite. Ian got married at quite a young age when he was 19. Inspired by his brother-in-law, Stapleton started his activities in social media in the early 2010s when he opened his YouTube channel names Ssundee and immediately began gaining popularity with his online series Minecraft Cave Adventure. In 2013 he reached his first million followers, and it was in those times when he had to serve his military duty in the American Airforces. In addition to just gaming related content, Ian started posting various videos related to his personal life which was also interesting for his fans. As of the late 2024, there are over 24 million subscribers to his YouTube channel and Ssundee's gaming series like The Forest, Murder Run, Minecraft GTA 3 and others attract more and more followers.
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