How old is SSSniperWolf?

SSSniperWolf was born on 22 October 1992.
SSSniperWolf is 32 years old.

How old is SSSniperWolf in days now?

SSSniperWolf is 32 years 5 months 6 days old.
Total 11,845 days old now.

When is the next birthday of SSSniperWolf?

SSSniperWolf's next birthday is in 6 months 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of SSSniperWolf?

Zodiac sign of SSSniperWolf is Libra.

SSSniperWolf is a popular YouTuber and Internet personality, an avid gamer and a tough young lady. Her real name is Alia Shelesh and she was born in 1992 in the US, to the family of Greek and Turkish origins. She opened her YouTube account in 2013 and gave it the name SSSniper Wolf. For the moment, she managed to attract over 34 million subscribers, who adore Alia's gaming experience and skills. She is a master of Call of Duty and a very interesting vlogger. She collaborates with other YouTubers and gamers like Tom Cassel. She has one more popular YouTube channel titled LiaLittleWolf, where she shares her life experiences and uploads her do-it-yourself type videos. SSSNiperWolf has also about 5.5 million followers on her Instagram account, as of the late 2024.

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