How old is Spizee?
Spizee was born on 21 August 2004.
Spizee is 20 years old.
How old is Spizee in days now?
Spizee is 20 years 7 months 8 days old.
Total 7,525 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Spizee?
Spizee's next birthday is in 4 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Spizee?
Zodiac sign of Spizee is Leo.
Spizee is a YouTube star who rose to fame for his incredible ability to eat too hot food, and his content includes a bunch of videos focused on binge eating, eating large portions, or eating really hot food like chili peppers and such that is done by him as different characters. He was born in 2004 in Texas and was raised by his parents alongside his two siblings, a brother and a sister. Spizee began making his first steps in social media networking world in the early 2020s and the very first videos of his helped to attract the public attention. It took him quite little time to figure out the most successful and attractive topic for him, as well as to create the characters including Nerd Spizee, Nuclear Spizee, Buffed Spizee, and others. Just for two and a half years of his work on promoting his channel, he has managed to build a 3.3 million people fanbase which is a really impressive result. Some of the most iconic videos of Spizee are the ones where he is eating sushi with increased amounts of wasabi!!
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