How old is Spencer Barbosa?
Spencer Barbosa was born on 29 October 2002.
Spencer Barbosa is 22 years old.
How old is Spencer Barbosa in days now?
Spencer Barbosa is 22 years 5 months 2 days old.
Total 8,189 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Spencer Barbosa?
Spencer Barbosa's next birthday is in 6 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Spencer Barbosa?
Zodiac sign of Spencer Barbosa is Scorpio.
Spencer Barbosa is a TV actress and a TikTok star who has recently became popular for her roles in a few movies and online TV series. Born in 20020in Canada, she grew up alongside her parents and her two siblings, her sister Bailey and her brother Cooper. Her family is of Portuguese origins and all the family members are fond of acting. Spencer started getting involved in various cool content creating when she was 12 years old. She launched her YouTube channel in the mid 2010s and for some first years she used it as a vlog, but later on she got focused on talking about fashion, various kinds of trends, television, entertainment, and so on. As of the late 2024, the number of the followers on her channel is close to 10 million people, and they all are looking forward to watching new videos and new interesting stuff that she has been posting recently. Spencer Barbosa has taken part in producing a number of TV and cinema projects like Starseeker, Fear My Neighbor, We Are Savvy, and so on.