How old is Sofia Chicorelli Serna?

Sofia Chicorelli Serna was born on 28 June 2006.
Sofia Chicorelli Serna is 18 years old.

How old is Sofia Chicorelli Serna in days now?

Sofia Chicorelli Serna is 18 years 9 months 1 day old.
Total 6,849 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sofia Chicorelli Serna?

Sofia Chicorelli Serna's next birthday is in 2 months 30 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sofia Chicorelli Serna?

Zodiac sign of Sofia Chicorelli Serna is Cancer.

Sofia Chicorelli Serna is a TV actress as well as a social media influencer who is known for her roles in such projects as Dhar Mann, Look Mira, or Girl Finds Out She's Adopted. Born in 2006 in California, she was raised by her parents alongside her younger brother. Sofia made her debut as a professional actress when she was only 12 by appearing in a movie Heritage. A year later she appeared in a number of shorts and in a movie titled Game Therapy where she portrayed Veronica. Later in the decade she took part in such projects as 12 Strong, The Life Is Strange, and also appeared in one episode of the TV shows Hannah Stocking and Alison Day Series. The early 2020s were marked by a few successful performances in such shows as Friendzy Friday, Look Mira, God and Salsa, as well as the collaboration with the creators of Dhar Mann, the TV series where Sofia Chicorelli Serna appeared in 46 episodes. In 2024 she participated in making a computer game called Mixtape. She can be found on Instagram where she is followed by over a half of a million people, as of June 2024.

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