How old is Sierra McClain?
Sierra McClain was born on 16 March 1994.
Sierra McClain is 31 years old.
How old is Sierra McClain in days now?
Sierra McClain is 31 years 10 days old.
Total 11,333 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Sierra McClain?
Sierra McClain's next birthday is in 11 months 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Sierra McClain?
Zodiac sign of Sierra McClain is Pisces.
Sierra McClain is an American singer and actress who is a member of McClain band alongside her two sisters. Sierra was born in 1994 in Georgia and since her childhood, together with her sisters, she was trained in music and singing. Their parents who had to do with music and supported the girls in all possible ways and in the mid-2000s the girls started attracting the attention of TV show and music program producers. In 2005 Sierra appeared in The Gospel drama movie. The family relocated to LA and continued working on promoting the girls' musical and acting careers. Sierra played a small role in House of Payne and A.N.T. Farm of Disney. As a part of McClain musical group, the girls recorded a few singles as well as soundtracks for A.N.T. Farm and other TV series. From 2016 to 2018 Sierra McClain took part in Empire TV series where she portrayed Nessa Parker. In the early 2020s the band changed its name to Thriii and continued performing to the delight of its fans.