How old is Sidney Dunk?
Sidney Dunk was born on 6 December 2003.
Sidney Dunk is 21 years old.
How old is Sidney Dunk in days now?
Sidney Dunk is 21 years 3 months 25 days old.
Total 7,786 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Sidney Dunk?
Sidney Dunk's next birthday is in 8 months 5 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Sidney Dunk?
Zodiac sign of Sidney Dunk is Sagittarius.
Sidney Dunk is a popular TikTok star and online personality famous for his cool comedy-related stuff. Born in 2003 in the US, he has been a huge fan of social networking and also likes music very much. He opened his first (former TikTok) account in the late 2010s and started posting plenty of fun and comedy stuff, or pranks there. As of the late 2024, there are about 1.6 million followers on his TikTok channel which is an excellent progress for a young social media star. It is possible to see Sidney Dunk on Instagram as well. He is really young but has got a chance to demonstrate his talents in music, social media, and social life. Soon we will be seeing him as a model for a few large commercial campaigns. He can also be found on Instagram where currently he has about a third of a million fans.
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