How old is Shari Franke?
Shari Franke was born on 3 March 2003.
Shari Franke is 22 years old.
How old is Shari Franke in days now?
Shari Franke is 22 years 28 days old.
Total 8,064 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Shari Franke?
Shari Franke's next birthday is in 11 months.
What is the zodiac sign of Shari Franke?
Zodiac sign of Shari Franke is Pisces.
Shari Franke is a YouTuber and a member of the famous family of the Franke who operates the famous 8 Passengers YouTube channel. She is the oldest of the children of Ruby and Kevin, as well as the older sister of Chad Franke. Shari was born in 2003 and grew up as a very gifted kid. She was interested in various kinds of puzzles and knows how to solve the Rubik's cube puzzle. Shari is also a big fan of softball and wanted to become a pitcher. She is a part of the 8 Passengers channel which currently (as of the early 2025) enjoys the attention of over 2.2 million subscribers, and always appears on the videos. She is a fashion and make-up expert. In 2018 Shari Franke opened her own eponymous channel which has been becoming more and more popular lately.
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