How old is Shakhed?

Shakhed was born on 31 December 2007.
Shakhed is 17 years old.

How old is Shakhed in days now?

Shakhed is 17 years 2 months 6 days old.
Total 6,278 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Shakhed?

Shakhed's next birthday is in 9 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Shakhed?

Zodiac sign of Shakhed is Capricorn.

Shakhed is a very successful Japanese TikTok star whose personal channel on the platform has gained the attention of over 650.000 followers. Born in 2007 in Japan, she was raised in Kyoto alongside her family and her lovely pet cat. As a child, she would spend hours watching TikTok videos so she could gain some great expertise in making some interesting ones further, when she launched her own channel in 2023. The variety of topics that she has been focusing on is really large, from traditional dance and music to some educative and creative videos. She is really good at get-ready-with-me types of videos, some interesting insights about her life and studies, and also some good amount of the content is focused on helping the young ladies to find their image and new directions in their life. Open her channel and find out what the content offered by Shakhed is all about.

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