How old is Seungbin Hwang?

Seungbin Hwang was born on 22 August 2004.
Seungbin Hwang is 20 years old.

How old is Seungbin Hwang in days now?

Seungbin Hwang is 20 years 7 months 7 days old.
Total 7,524 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Seungbin Hwang?

Seungbin Hwang's next birthday is in 4 months 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Seungbin Hwang?

Zodiac sign of Seungbin Hwang is Leo.

Seungbin Hwang is a talented YouTuber and TikToker who is one of the most known and successful promoters of Korean culture and the life in his homeland. Born in 2004 in South Korea, he was raised by his parents whom he is still quite close with and often engages his family members in his video content. He started vloging on YouTube in the late 2010 with the idea of sharing his experiences as a Korean, and surprisingly many of his videos, including the ones revealing the details of his daily life at school, became viral, with some of them reaching the number of views counted by millions of the platform users. Hwang is equally good at creating both long and short form content, and as of August 2024 there are over 3 million people following his channel. He often posts some videos on his TikTok channel as well, and it is possible to find him on Instagram where he has amassed the database of about 2.1 million people. Seungbin Hwang is among the most followed Korean social media influencers not related to pop music.

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