How old is Selena Gomez?
Selena Gomez was born on 22 July 1992.
Selena Gomez is 32 years old.
How old is Selena Gomez in days now?
Selena Gomez is 32 years 8 months 7 days old.
Total 11,938 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Selena Gomez?
Selena Gomez's next birthday is in 3 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Selena Gomez?
Zodiac sign of Selena Gomez is Cancer.
Selena Gomez is a famous actress and singer born in Texas in 1992. She has taken part in a good number of movies and TV projects, but she is more famous as a singer and a musician. Raised in a family of actors, Selena began appearing in various TV shows and TV series for kids when she was 3 years old. She played small roles in Spy Kids 3D and Walker the Texas Ranger. Her first serious role was granted to her in 2008, when she played in Another Cinderella Story, followed by Horton Hears a Who, Princess Protection Program, and Ramona and Beezus. She formed a musical group and released her first album, Stars Dance, in 2013. It enjoyed a very warm reaction of her fans, and shortly after was followed by one more album, Revival, which was released in 2015 and reached the first position in the album charts of that year. She continued taking part in various cinema projects, including Monte Carlo, Spring Breakers, and Hanna Montana TV series. She also voices some characters in popular cartoons like the Hotel Transylvania and Barney and Friends. As of the early 2024, Selena Gomez is the most followed woman on Instagram, with the number of followers close to a half of a billion people.