How old is Savannah LaBrant?

Savannah LaBrant was born on 2 March 1993.
Savannah LaBrant is 32 years old.

How old is Savannah LaBrant in days now?

Savannah LaBrant is 32 years 8 days old.
Total 11,696 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Savannah LaBrant?

Savannah LaBrant's next birthday is in 11 months 20 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Savannah LaBrant?

Zodiac sign of Savannah LaBrant is Pisces.

Savannah LaBrant is a famous YouTuber, social media personality, a dancer, a writer, a fashion expert, and a very talented young lady. She was born Savannah Soutas in 1993 in California and grew up there alongside her sister Chantelle. In her childhood, Savannah was interested in dancing and took classes trying to get better in dancing. When she was a teenager, she started getting interested in fashion and social networks, just like most of her peers. She opened her YouTube and TikTok accounts where she started as a make-up and fashion expert. Savannah became a mother in quite an early age, and after giving birth to her daughter Everleigh, Savannah opened another TikTok account together with her friend Michelle Foley. The account titled ForEverAndForAva was really popular and had millions of subscribers. Later on, after Savannah had got married Cole LaBrant, a Viner, they started their joint account Cole&Sav which currently (as of the early 2025) has almost 30 million followers. Recently, Savannah LaBrant became a mother for the second time and gave birth to one more daughter. Her social media accounts enjoy extreme popularity and millions of followers from all around the world. In particular, there are over 7 million people following her Instagram account.

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