How old is Sarah Betts?
Sarah Betts was born on 22 October 1996.
Sarah Betts is 28 years old.
How old is Sarah Betts in days now?
Sarah Betts is 28 years 5 months 6 days old.
Total 10,384 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Sarah Betts?
Sarah Betts's next birthday is in 6 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Sarah Betts?
Zodiac sign of Sarah Betts is Libra.
Sarah Betts is a YouTube star and a vlogger who has been running her channel for a few years and has managed to attract over 2.7 million subscribers (as of December 2024). She was born in Australia in 1996 and spent her childhood years in Gold Coast. Her first videos on her personal channel appeared in the mid 2014 and her main idea was to tell her viewers about her country, her life, her interests and friends. Sarah also likes to talk about personal style, fashion, make up and hair style. However, the most popular content of hers is focused on her daily routine in which she gives tips on making breakfast or organizing her tasks. Some of her videos have over one million views and help to attract more and more followers. You can easily find Sarah Betts on Instagram and learn about the updates in her life there too.
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