How old is Sara Hesri?
Sara Hesri was born on 29 October 1993.
Sara Hesri is 31 years old.
How old is Sara Hesri in days now?
Sara Hesri is 31 years 4 months 27 days old.
Total 11,473 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Sara Hesri?
Sara Hesri's next birthday is in 7 months 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Sara Hesri?
Zodiac sign of Sara Hesri is Scorpio.
A beautiful model of Syrian origins and a creative social media influencer, Sara Hesri has been residing in LA for many years. She was born in Syria in 1993 but later on moved to the US in the late 1990s together with her star family. Her mum Nina Hazem is a TikTok star with 2.5 million fans (as of December 2024), and Sara has also got 4 sisters, Sima Hesri, Sophie Hesri, Serene Hesri, and Saby Hesri, all are known in today's social media networking circles. Besides, they all have a superstar brother Kareem known as Keemokazi who is a hip hop star and rapper. Sara launched her personal Instagram account in the mid 2010s and began uploading some family photos, some great and positive pictures with her friends, as well as some photos from the modeling projects that she used to take part in a lot. Later on her content became more centered on such topics as fashion, clothing and personal style, make-up tips, cosmetics and body care product reviews, healthy lifestyle and such. Currently, there are over 1 million people following her account (December 2014), and Sara Hesri has also been running her TikTok channel which is followed by almost 2 million people now.
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