How old is Sara Dobrik?
Sara Dobrik was born on 5 August 2006.
Sara Dobrik is 18 years old.
How old is Sara Dobrik in days now?
Sara Dobrik is 18 years 7 months 2 days old.
Total 6,789 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Sara Dobrik?
Sara Dobrik's next birthday is in 4 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Sara Dobrik?
Zodiac sign of Sara Dobrik is Leo.
Sara Dorik is a TikToker and a social media star famous as a sister of another famous TikTok David Dobrik. Sara was born in Illinois and spent her childhood in Chicago, alongside her parents of Slovak origins and her three siblings, two brothers and a sister. He elder brother David is currently among the most followed TikTokers famous for his comedy related content, and she often appears in his videos, as well as their other brother and sister. Sara also has her own TikTok channel which she rather uses as a vlog and makes videos about her life and adventures. She is a lovely and very outgoing young girl, as well as a creative content maker. As of the mid 2024, the number of the subscribers of her channel is approaching a half million people. Sara Dobrik has also tried herself in modeling and dreams about demonstrating her acting skills on a stage.