How old is Sam Schmir?

Sam Schmir was born on 4 January 2000.
Sam Schmir is 25 years old.

How old is Sam Schmir in days now?

Sam Schmir is 25 years 2 months 6 days old.
Total 9,197 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sam Schmir?

Sam Schmir's next birthday is in 9 months 25 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sam Schmir?

Zodiac sign of Sam Schmir is Capricorn.

A popular TikTok channel ran by a talented content maker Sam Schmir is a good example of a place where one many find some good mixture of comedy and politics spiced up with some other interesting topics about the modern life. Schmir was born in 2000 in Cambodia but moved to the US together with his family when he was a baby. He grew up alongside his elder sister and as a young teenager he had two big interests, photography and social media platforms. Sam later on got seriously interested in politics too and in 2019 he made up his mind to open his personal TikTok channel in order to share his viewpoints and ideas as to some entertaining content with his viewers. His videos demonstrate his great intellectual and analytical skills, as well as his passion to becoming a social media influencer. Apart of his vivid activities on TikTok and some other platforms, Sam Schmir works with various business projects specializing on communication, marketing, media management, and such. Very often he cooperates with other activists and politically focused social media stars like Lizzy Howell, Olivia Julianna, and others. He lives in the capital city of the US now.

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