How old is Sal Vulcano?
Sal Vulcano was born on 6 November 1976.
Sal Vulcano is 48 years old.
How old is Sal Vulcano in days now?
Sal Vulcano is 48 years 3 months 26 days old.
Total 17,650 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Sal Vulcano?
Sal Vulcano's next birthday is in 8 months 2 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Sal Vulcano?
Zodiac sign of Sal Vulcano is Scorpio.
Sal Vulcano (Salvatore Edward Anthony Volcano) is a famous American actor and comedian, producer and writer, who is known the best for his being a part of The Tenderlions, a group of stand-up comedians from the show Impractical Jokers. Born in 1976 in New York City, he grew up in Staten Island and met his future partners Gatto, Murray and Quinn at high school. In the late 1990s the friends went out to a professional stage and called themselves The Tenderlions. Starting from the mid 2000s they started promoting their jokes and comedy sketches on their YouTube and MySpace channels, so they became popular with their online audience. In 2011 their first TV show Impractical Jokers premiered on Thu TV and so far they have produced 11 seasons (as of the late 2024). In addition to his TV projects, Sal Vulcano often performs on stage as a stand-up comedian, takes part in various improv festivals like the one in San Fransisco, etc. As a part of The Tenderlions he won a lot of prizes and received a number of prestigious awards. His most recent stand-up show is called Stand-Up: Terrified, and was released earlier in 2024.