How old is Saffron Barker?
Saffron Barker was born on 24 July 2000.
Saffron Barker is 24 years old.
How old is Saffron Barker in days now?
Saffron Barker is 24 years 8 months 7 days old.
Total 9,016 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Saffron Barker?
Saffron Barker's next birthday is in 3 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Saffron Barker?
Zodiac sign of Saffron Barker is Leo.
Saffron Barker is an outstanding British YouTuber known as the creator of the team Born2Blush. She was born in 2000 in Brighton and grew up in quite a large family, alongside her 3 siblings. Since her childhood, Saffron loved singing and was supported by her parents in her singing practice. She opened her first YouTube and Twitter accounts in the mid-2010s, and quite soon she started collaborating with other YouTubers who helped Saffron record her first singles. She has her personal eponymous YouTube channel which she uses as a vlog and the place where she uploads the videos of her personal comments on fashion, beauty, social events, etc. Saffron Barker is a talented and promising young YouTuber, with a bright future ahead of her.
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