How old is Sabrina Carpenter?

Sabrina Carpenter was born on 11 May 1999.
Sabrina Carpenter is 25 years old.

How old is Sabrina Carpenter in days now?

Sabrina Carpenter is 25 years 10 months 18 days old.
Total 9,454 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sabrina Carpenter?

Sabrina Carpenter's next birthday is in 1 month 12 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sabrina Carpenter?

Zodiac sign of Sabrina Carpenter is Taurus.

Sabrina Annlynn Carpenter is an American actress and musician, born in 1999 in a small city in Pennsylvania. She was very artistic and has been demonstrating her talent in music since her early childhood. In 2011, she made her television debut by appearing in one episode of Law&Order TV series, followed by her recurring role in The Goodwin Games and other TV projects. Her most important performance so far was in Girl Meets World, which is a Disney Channel TV show. Since 2014, Sabrina has been pursuing a career as a singer. She released two studio albums which received a very positive reaction from the critics and the general public. Sabrina Carpenter collaborated with Ariana Grande and the Vamps, supporting them in their tours. She also took part in a pop singer competition organized by Miley Cyrus and received the third place there.

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