How old is Rylo Rodriguez?

Rylo Rodriguez was born on 30 September 1993.
Rylo Rodriguez is 31 years old.

How old is Rylo Rodriguez in days now?

Rylo Rodriguez is 31 years 6 months old.
Total 11,504 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Rylo Rodriguez?

Rylo Rodriguez's next birthday is in 6 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Rylo Rodriguez?

Zodiac sign of Rylo Rodriguez is Libra.

One of the brightest hip hop stars who has backgrounds of promoting his music on various social media platforms, Rylo Rodriguez was born in 1993 in Alabama and made his first steps in the world of music there. He spent his childhood in the city of Mobile, alongside his parents and three siblings. Rylo has loved rapping since her was a young boy, but he started trying to pursue a career in hip hop much later, in his mid 20s. The late 2010s brought him a bright breakthrough, with the song named "BMF", followed by a few other successful hits like "Mufasa", "Relocate", "Rogervile", and others. In the early 2020s he recorded his first studio album, and in 2023 the second one was released as well. Rylo Rodriguez is highly respected in his home state Alabama and he helps young hip hop singers and rappers a lot.

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