How old is Rupert Friend?
Rupert Friend was born on 1 October 1981.
Rupert Friend is 43 years old.
How old is Rupert Friend in days now?
Rupert Friend is 43 years 5 months 30 days old.
Total 15,887 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Rupert Friend?
Rupert Friend's next birthday is in 6 months.
What is the zodiac sign of Rupert Friend?
Zodiac sign of Rupert Friend is Libra.
Rupert Friend is a British actor, producer, and screenwriter who is known for his few roles in Hollywood movies. He was born in 1981 in Oxfordshire and when he was a child he wanted to be a historian like his father until little Rupert started taking classes in a drama school. He was crazy for Indiana Jones and The Godfather movie series, so he decided to be an actor. His cinema debut took place in 2004 when he starred in the movie The Libertine together with Johnny Depp and John Malkovich, but the second movie of his Pride and Prejudice (with Keira Knightley) turned out to be very successful and attracted a lot of attention to the young cinema star. Friend continued with The Boy in the Stupid Pyjamas, The Young Victoria TV film, Hitman: Agent 47 (with Zach Quinto), The Death of Stalin (with Steve Buscemi). Rupert Friend is also well known for his role in Homeland action TV series which was very popular in the world. Friend is married to Aimee Mullins, an American sportswoman and actress.