How old is RuPaul?

RuPaul was born on 17 November 1960.
RuPaul is 64 years old.

How old is RuPaul in days now?

RuPaul is 64 years 4 months 13 days old.
Total 23,509 days old now.

When is the next birthday of RuPaul?

RuPaul's next birthday is in 7 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of RuPaul?

Zodiac sign of RuPaul is Scorpio.

RuPaul is a showman, actor, author, singer, and TV host who is famous and extremely loved y his fans for his extravagant style, behavior, and viewpoints. Born RuPaul Andre Charles in 1960 in Georgia, he was raised by his parents alongside his sister. As a young man, he studied performing arts at a university in Atlanta, and in the late 1980s, he moved to New York City where he started leading a bohemian lifestyle and tried to pursue a career in singing and modeling. In the 1990s he began releasing his singles and first studio albums, as well as appearing in a few cinema movies and collaborating with various fashion editions and companies as a model and a public personality. On TV, he took part in producing a large number of projects including The RuPaul Show, Walker Texas Ranger, RuPaul's Drag Race and its various spinoffs, Skin Wars, Gay for Play Game Show Starring RuPaul, and a large number of others. As a singer, he has released 14 studio albums so far and is known as one of the brightest showmen on today's stage. As a public personality, he is considered to be among the most influential and famous drag queens. RuPaul is an activist and loves expressing his political preferences.

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