How old is RowdyRogan?

RowdyRogan was born on 14 August 2014.
RowdyRogan is 10 years old.

How old is RowdyRogan in days now?

RowdyRogan is 10 years 7 months 15 days old.
Total 3,880 days old now.

When is the next birthday of RowdyRogan?

RowdyRogan's next birthday is in 4 months 16 days.

What is the zodiac sign of RowdyRogan?

Zodiac sign of RowdyRogan is Leo.

A child gamer and a YouTube star, RowdyRogan is a fan of such popular gamer as Fortnite and the Call of Duty. He was born in 2014 in the US, to Harry and Kyla Drew, and he is growing up alongside his elder sister Rylee Michelle who is a rising social media star as well. Of course those were their parents who started and used to run their children's social media account. Rylee is a swimmer and her content is mostly focused on outdoor activities and challenges, but for RowdyRogan it was his father who became the main inspiration and mentor in computer games for him. Together with his father, he has managed to amass over 2 million subscribers, as of August 2024. Their content includes some interesting tips and recommendations as to playing the mentioned games. RowdyRogan is among the youngest known YouTube games who began appearing on his channel literally since he came to this world.

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