How old is Roselie Arritola?

Roselie Arritola was born on 15 November 2006.
Roselie Arritola is 18 years old.

How old is Roselie Arritola in days now?

Roselie Arritola is 18 years 4 months 16 days old.
Total 6,711 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Roselie Arritola?

Roselie Arritola's next birthday is in 7 months 15 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Roselie Arritola?

Zodiac sign of Roselie Arritola is Scorpio.

Roselie Arritola is a young American YouTuber and TikToker who has managed to gain popularity as a challenge video editor. Born in 2006 in Florida, she grew up in Miami alongside her elder brother. Her brother was the one who made Roselie love social media, and he often appears in her videos. Since her childhood, Roselie was keen on dancing and had quite a good training in classic and other dancing styles. She first opened her TikTok account which she began using as a kind of vlog and posting the videos of her dancing and commenting on various events of her life. Later on, she started focusing more on promoting her YouTube account. There is a lot of interesting stuff to see in her channel and as of the late 2024, Roselie Arritola has managed to attract about 6 million subscribers on her TikTok channel and about 2 million followers on her YouTube channel. She can be found on Instagram as well.

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