How old is Rose Leslie?

Rose Leslie was born on 9 February 1987.
Rose Leslie is 38 years old.

How old is Rose Leslie in days now?

Rose Leslie is 38 years 1 month 22 days old.
Total 13,930 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Rose Leslie?

Rose Leslie's next birthday is in 10 months 9 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Rose Leslie?

Zodiac sign of Rose Leslie is Aquarius.

Rose Leslie is a lovely British actress who has got her fame for the role in Game of Thrones. Born as Rose Eleanor Arbuthnot-Leslie in 1987 in Aberdeen, she grew up in a rich family of Scottish parents belonging to famous clans close to the Royal Family. After finishing school, Rose graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. She started her career as a BBC Radio narrator and as an actress of Globe Theater. In 2012 she joined the cast of Game of Thrones where she portrayed Ygritte. Other TV series where she can be spotted include Downtown Abbey, The Great Fire, Luther, Revolting Rhymes and others. Cinema movies which Rose Leslie took part in include Now Is Good (with Dakota Fanning), Honeymoon, The Last Witch Hunter, The Last Dance, Morgan, and others. She is married to Kit Harington who shared the filming spot of Game of Thrones. She speaks French and is keen on sports like archery, climbing, skiing, and so on.

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