How old is Rissa G.?
Rissa G. was born on 4 November 1997.
Rissa G. is 27 years old.
How old is Rissa G. in days now?
Rissa G. is 27 years 4 months 24 days old.
Total 10,006 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Rissa G.?
Rissa G.'s next birthday is in 7 months 7 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Rissa G.?
Zodiac sign of Rissa G. is Scorpio.
Rissa G. is a part of a successful YouTube duo Riss & Quan, and together they have been running their couple-channel since 2018. Rissa was born in 1997 in the US and spent her childhood alongside her parent and her friends. Her mum is of European and her dad is of Jamaican origins. She met her future husband and YouTube partner Shaquan Roberts in the mid 2010s, and in 2018 they started their joint channel to share their life and adventures with the viewers. The most viewed content of the channel is challenges and some other funny stuff that Riss and Quan get involved in. But very often they share interesting family related videos, especially the ones with their children. Their first child, a son Shine Anthony Roberst was born in 2021, and their daughter Saviour Azaire Robets came to this world in 2023. Rissa G announced in the late 2024 that she was expecting her third child with Quan. Their channel is very successful and as of the late 2024, there are over 3.3 million people following it.
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