How old is Ricky Gervais?
Ricky Gervais was born on 25 June 1961.
Ricky Gervais is 63 years old.
How old is Ricky Gervais in days now?
Ricky Gervais is 63 years 9 months 6 days old.
Total 23,290 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ricky Gervais?
Ricky Gervais's next birthday is in 2 months 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ricky Gervais?
Zodiac sign of Ricky Gervais is Cancer.
Ricky Gervais is a British comedian, actor, writer, director, and producer, who became famous as the conductor of his own talk show and for his roles in a few cinema movies. Gervais was born in 1961 in Reading and grew up in one of its suburbs, alongside his three siblings. In college, where he studied biology and philosophy, Ricky started thinking seriously about the career as a musician and took part in a project Seona Dancing, a duo performing as a new wave band. They released 2 singles but could not achieve any serious success in the UK. In the 1990s Gervais worked on radio and met Stephen Merchant, his friend and partner in many projects. In 2001 they created and produced a mocumentary sitcom The Office, the work on which Gervais combined with working on his own Meet Ricky Gervais show on Channel 4. Extras was one more successful comedy project of the two. In the late 2000s and early 2010s, Gervais worked on radio and TV, together with Merchant and Karl Pinkilton. An Idiot Abroad and Derek are the most known projects of the three. Gervais took part in some cinema movies like Star Dust, Ghost Town, Cemetery Junction, Muppets Most Wanted, Night at the Museum (with Ben Stiller), etc. He created a few very popular stand-up show programs and wrote a number of books. He often hosts cinema-related events like the Golden Globe Award-winning ceremony. Ricky Gervais has 3 Golden Globe, 2 Emmy Awards, a few BAFTA and a number of other awards. He is a devoted atheist and humanist, often involved in various charity projects. He is also an avid supporter of LGBT community rights.