How old is Ricky Flores?

Ricky Flores was born on 13 January 2004.
Ricky Flores is 21 years old.

How old is Ricky Flores in days now?

Ricky Flores is 21 years 2 months 13 days old.
Total 7,743 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ricky Flores?

Ricky Flores's next birthday is in 9 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ricky Flores?

Zodiac sign of Ricky Flores is Capricorn.

An amateur dancer and a successful TikToker, Ricky Flores has recently found his place among the most growing young stars of the platform. Born in 2004 in Illinois, he spent his early years in Chicago, and he has been really close with his sister who is also popular on TikTok. He launched his first TikTok channel in the late 2010s but quite soon the account was blocked. Therefore, in the early 2020 Ricky opened one more channel where he started sharing much better quality videos focused mainly on comedy like lip-syncing, skits or some choreography. Numerous fans love the stuff that Ricky Flores has been posted, and for about one and a half year he managed to attract almost one and a half and a million subscribers (as of the late 2024). He often works together with Gabenotbabe and together they have created a number of really cool and interesting videos.

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