How old is Rick Astley?
Rick Astley was born on 6 February 1966.
Rick Astley is 59 years old.
How old is Rick Astley in days now?
Rick Astley is 59 years 1 month 24 days old.
Total 21,602 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Rick Astley?
Rick Astley's next birthday is in 10 months 7 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Rick Astley?
Zodiac sign of Rick Astley is Aquarius.
Rick Astley is a British pop singer and songwriter known for a few of his hits like "Together Forever" or "Never Gonna Give You Up", as well as for his longevity on stage. Born in 1966 in Lancashire, he was mainly brought up by his father, alongside his three siblings. He started singing when he was 10 and since then music has been a huge part of his life. Initially he learned to play drums and started his musical career as a drummer with a band. In the late 1980s he decided to try himself as a solo singer and released his first album titled Whenever You Need Somebody which included the hit "Never Gonna Give You Up". It became number one in many countries of the world and brought the young singer a large number of awards. Inspired by this success, Astley released more hits like "Together Forever", "She Wants To Dance With Me", etc., and continued his rise as a talented songwriter and pop singer. During the 1990s he went on to experiment with his musical style and got focused on dance pop. Later in the decade he took a little break from music and returned in the mid 2000s with some new singles, as well as launched his social media channels and began promoting his music online. Rick Astley has released 8 studio albums so far and managed to win plenty of various awards in the world of music. He is married and has a daughter.