How old is Rich Homie Quan?

Rich Homie Quan was born on 4 October 1989. Rich Homie Quan died on 5 September 2024 at the age of 34 years.

What was the exact age of Rich Homie Quan?

Rich Homie Quan's exact age was 34 years 11 months 1 day old. Rich Homie Quan lived for total 12,755 days.

What would be the age of Rich Homie Quan if alive?

Rich Homie Quan's exact age would be 35 years 5 months 23 days old if alive. Total 12,958 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Rich Homie Quan?

Zodiac sign of Rich Homie Quan is Libra.

Rich Homie Quan was a rapper whose professional career as a singer lasted a little over a decade, and he recorded a few outstanding songs like "Type of Way", "Flex", "Ride Out", and such. Born Dequantes Devontay Lamar in 1989 in Georgia, he grew up in Atlanta and as a school student he loved playing baseball and reading. After school he found a job since he couldn't afford studying at a university, and eventually got extremely interested in rap music. His first single titled "Difference" came out in 2012 and turned out to be successful. He continued by collaborating with Trinidad James and later on collaborated with some great stars like Gucci Mane and such. For his life he recorded 9 EP and 2 studio albums, with one being released after his death. He had 4 sons with the eldest born in 2006. In September 2024 Rich Homie Quan was found dead at his home, he was only 34 years old...

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